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     About this company : Office of the Magician For the sale of Aslat snakes and reptiles, and all animals Fishing, combat and reptiles and animals sites Dear Sir / We are the Office of the Magician, where we specialize in the sale of reptiles and animals and trafficking We have all kinds of Aslat European, African and at attractive prices é We control services and hunting poisonous snakes, scorpions, lizards, Abras, ... And animals such as foxes, wolves, stray dogs, cats, wedding, ... This Twartnaha ancestral profession where we are the only ones in the Middle East who are able to catch these species (living), especially snakes, scorpions, lizards, Abras, ... Because we have the experience to know the places, how to catch and control, ... We are ready to do clean up any place, whatever the area or by the difficulty of the work. * Note We're working visit to the site prior to the contract you have with us for Hibernate ability in this area. And thank you very much We hope to obtain our acceptance of God and present the conciliator (Our motto security and safety) Telefax / 37694807 mop / 0124527255 0146922804 0169611986

     Contact : elhawy elhawy, manager 
     Headquarters : Abu Rawash, Giza, 591250, cairo, 6 , 02000, Egypt
     Phone : 0124527255, Fax : 37694807 
     Website : Log on to trade instantly , Email : Log on to trade instantly

     copra copra

مكتب الحـــاوى لبيع الثعابين والاصلات وجميع الزواحف والحيوانات ومكافحه وصيد الزواحف والحيوانات من المواقع حضرات الساده/ نحن مكتب الحاوى حيث اننا متخصصون فى بيع الزواحف والحيوانات والاتجار بها ولدينا جميع انواع الاصلات الاوروبيه والافريقيه وبأسعار مغريه جداا ولدينا خدمه مكافحه وصيد الثعابين السامه,العقارب,السحالى,الابراص,... والحيوانات مثل الثعالب,الذئاب,الكلاب الضاله,القطط,العرس,... وهذه المهنه توارثناها عن الاجداد حيث اننا الوحيدون فى الشرق الاوسط القادرين على صيد هذه الانواع (حيه) وبالاخص الثعابين,العقارب,السحالى,الابراص,... لان لدينا الخبره عن معرفه اماكنها وكيفيه صيدها ومكافحتها,... ونحن مستعدون للقيام بتطهير أى مكان مهما كانت مساحته أو صعوبه العمل به. *ملحوظه نقوم نحن بزياره عمل للموقع لديكم قبل التعاقد معنا لأسبات جدارتنا فى هذا المجال. ولسيادتكم جزيل الشكر ونتمنى أن ينال عرضنا قبول حضراتكم والله الموفق (شعارنا الأمن والأمان) ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ تليفاكس/37694807 محمول /0124527255 0146922804 0169611986

Office of the Magician For the sale of Aslat snakes and reptiles, and all animals Fishing, combat and reptiles and animals sites Dear Sir / We are the Office of the Magician, where we specialize in the sale of reptiles and animals and trafficking We have all kinds of Aslat European, African and at attractive prices é We control services and hunting poisonous snakes, scorpions, lizards, Abras, ... And animals such as foxes, wolves, stray dogs, cats, wedding, ... This Twartnaha ancestral profession where we are the only ones in the Middle East who are able to catch these species (living), especially snakes, scorpions, lizards, Abras, ... Because we have the experience to know the places, how to catch and control, ... We are ready to do clean up any place, whatever the area or by the difficulty of the work. * Note We're working visit to the site prior to the contract you have with us for Hibernate ability in this area. And thank you very much We hope to obtain our acceptance of God and present the conciliator (Our motto security and safety) Telefax / 37694807 mop / 0124527255 0146922804 0169611986

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